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1. It is important that the hotel receptionist        that guests are registered correctly.

A.has made sure B.made sure C.must make sure  D.make sure

2. I suggested he should        himself to his new conditions.

A.adapt         B.adopt       C.regulate        D.suit

3. I’ll never forget        you for the first time.

A.to meet  B.meeting  C.to have met D.having to be meeting

4. Cancellation of the flight        many passengers to spend the night at the airport.

A.resulted  B.obliged  C.demanded    D.recommended

5. That young man still denies        the fire behind the store.

A.start     B.to start  C.having started  D.to have started

6. in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships       totaling $21, 000.

A.Judged the best              B.Judging the best    C.To be judged the best         D.Having judged the best

7. Without proper lessons, you could        a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.

A.keep up    B.pick up    C.draw up D.catch up

8. Everything we eat and drink contains some salt; we can meet the body’s need for it from natural sources without turning         the salt bottle.

A.up         B.to       C.on     D.over

9. He always did well at school        having to do part-time jobs every now and then.

A.in spite of   B.regardless of   C.on account of   D.in case of

10.         receiving financial support from family, community or the government is allowed, it is never admired.

A.As    B.Once C.Although D.Lest

11. All the key words in the article are printed in        type so as to attract readers’ attention.

A.dark   B.dense C.black      D.bold

12. The basic features of the communication process are identified in one question: Who says         through what channel to whom?

A.how B.when    C.what      D.such

13. I didn’t        to take a taxi but I had to as I was late.

A.assume B.suppose C.mean     D.hope

14. The hours        the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.

A.in which B.on which C.when   D.that

15. I’d rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than        a room with someone else.

A.share B.to share C.sharing  D.to have shared

16. In Disneyland, every year, some 800,000 plants are replaced because Disney refused to        signs asking his “guests” not to step on them.

A.put down B.put out C.put up   D.put off

17.       difficulties we may come across, we’ll help one another to overcome them.

A.Wherever B.Whatever C.However  D.Whenever

18. So many directors       , the board meeting had to be put off.

A.were absent      B.been absent       C.had been absent               D.being absent

19. On N ew Year’s Eve, N ew York City holds an outdoor        which attracts a crowd of a million or   more people.

A.incident B.event      C.case      D.affair  

20. American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through   televised         from the United States.

A.transfer B.deliveries   C.transportation   D.transmissions


1. D。考点:虚拟语气在表示命令、建议、要求等名词从句中的应用。具体地说,在“It is important(necessary, essential…)+that从句(主语从句)”这一句型中,从句中的谓语动词必须用虚拟语气,其形式为“should+动词原形(should可省略)”。句意:旅馆接待人员务必要将客人的情况登记准确。

2. A。考点:动词的辨析。adapt oneself to something是一固定结构,意为“使自己适应……”。句意:我建议他应该适应新的环境。

3. B。考点:动词forget后接非谓语动词的用法。forget后接不定式表示展望未来,意为“忘记去做某事”;接动名词表示“忘记了做过某事”。句意:我永远忘不了与你第一次见面的情景。

4. B。考点:oblige等一组词的意义和用法。resulted是不及物动词,后跟介词in时,表示“导致”,后跟介词from时,表示“由……引起”;obliged(迫使,使有义务)常用于oblige somebody to do something(迫使某人做某事)或be obliged to do something(不得不做某事);demanded要求,询问;recommended建议,推荐。句意:取消航班迫使许多乘客在机场过夜。

5. C。考点:动词deny后跟非谓语动词的用法。deny后可以跟动名词或名词做宾语,但不可跟不定式。句意:那个年轻人仍然否认在商店后面放了火。

6. A。考点:分词做状语的用法。分词做状语用时,其逻辑主语应当与句子的主语相一致。该句的主语是the three students,是动词judge的承受者,而不是执行者,故应用过去分词的形式,表示完成和被动。To be judged the best虽然也表示被动,但不定式常用作目的状语和结果状语。故不是答案。句意:在最近的科学竞赛中有三名学生被评为最佳,获得了总数21000美元的奖学金。

7. B。考点:动词短语的辨析。keep up继续,保持;pick up学到,养成;draw up靠近,拟订,制定;catch up赶上。句意:你如果学习方法不适当,弹钢琴时就会养成很多坏习惯。

8. B。考点:动词turn构成短语动词的辨析。(turn) up出现,到来;(turn) to转向,求助于;(turn) on开(电灯,收音机等);(turn) over滚动,移交。句意:我们吃的、喝的东西都含有盐;我们从这些东西中可以得到身体需要的盐,而不必求助于盐罐。

9. A。考点:短语介词的辨析。in spite of尽管;regardless of不顾,不惜;on account of因为;in case of假如,万一。句意:尽管他得经常做一些兼职工作,可他在学校的学习成绩却一直很好。

10. C。考点:主从句的逻辑关系及适当的从属连词的选择。通过分析可知,从句中的is allowed和主句中的is never admired构成语义上的对立关系。所以,将该句理解成让步状语从句比较合适,故Although正确。句意:虽然可以从家庭、社会或政府得到经济资助,但是这并不受推崇。

11. D。考点:“粗(黑)体字”的表达方式。句意:这篇文章中所有的关键字均以黑体印刷,以吸引读者的注意。bold为形容词,除了表示“无畏的、鲁莽的”以外,还常和type一起使用,表示“黑(粗)体字”。

12. C。考点:连接代词what的用法。say是及物动词,后面应该跟一个连接代词做宾语。四个选项中,只有what可以做宾语。句意:语言交际过程的基本特征可以用一个问题来定义,即:谁通过何种方式说了些什么,说话对象是谁?

13. C。考点:动词词义和用法的辨析。assume假定;suppose料想;mean意欲,打算;hope希望。虽然从语法上来说,mean和hope都正确,但这里强调的是过去的意图与现实对比。故mean更为合适。句意:我原本不打算坐出租车,但是由于迟到了,所以不得不坐。

14. D。考点:定语从句中关系代词的使用。The hours后面跟的是一个定语从句,spend是及物动词,空白处需要填入一个关系代词,指代前面的先行词hours,同时在从句中充当宾语。故that正确。句意:孩子花在与电视人物进行单向交流的时间无疑会影响到他们在现实生活中与他人的交流。

15. A。考点:would rather…than结构中平行成分的使用。would rather…than结构的另一种形式为:would…rather than。无论哪一种形式than后面所跟的动词都与前面的动词构成并列关系。例如:He said that he would rather go than stay. /He said he would go rather than stay.他说他宁愿离开也不留下。故share正确。句意:我宁愿要一个小一点属于自己的房间,也不与他人共用一个房间。

16. C。考点:短语动词的辨析。put down放下,写下;put out摆出,生产;put up树起,建立;put off推迟,出发。句意:迪斯尼乐园每年要补栽大约80万株花木,因为该乐园不愿意张贴要求“客人”不践踏花木的告示。

17. B。考点:引导让步状语从句的连接词的使用。根据语法要求,空白处须填入一个定语成分,即缺少一个修饰名词difficulties的连接词。四个选项中只有Whatever可跟名词。句意:无论遇到什么困难,我们都要互相帮助以便克服它们。

18. D。考点:分词独立主格结构的使用。分析句子可知,逗号后面是一个完整的句子,故逗号前面应当是一个做状语的独立结构,而不是一个完整的分句。填入being absent可构成独立主格结构;若填入其他三个选项,都构成完整的句子,不符合原句的结构。句意:由于多位董事缺席,董事会议只好推迟。

19. B。考点:名词的辨析。选项中四个名词的意思分别是:incident事件;event重要的事,(体育等)项目;case案例;affair事务。句意:在新年除夕,纽约市举行一个由一百多万人参加的户外体育活动。

20. D。考点:名词的辨析。四个选项的意思分别是:transfer迁移;deliveries送货;transportation运输;transmissions播送,发射。句意:美式足球和棒球通过来自美国的电视转播而逐渐为英国观众所熟悉。

