
首页 >备考辅导>模拟试题


作者:本站 阅读:0 上传时间:2022-07-09 14:37:53

1. _____ their youth and upspringing, they were not upset by the accident.

A. Respecting B. Thanks to

C. With respect to D. As regards

2. Where did you get those oranges? They are not easy to _____ at this time of the year.

A. come into B. come across

C. come round D. come by

3. She _____ preparing dinner as soon as she got home.

A. set out B. set about

C. set forth D. set aside

4. The contract will _____ at the end of next month.

A. run over B. run across

C. run down D. run out

5. She has _____ jogging for twenty years.

A. insisted on B. consisted in

C. constituted for D. persisted in


1. B 参考译文:由于他们年轻正在成长中,事故没有使他们感到不适。respecting 关系, 说到thanks to 由于with respect to 关于, 至于as regards 关于, 至于

2. D 参考译文:你从哪儿得到的这些桔子?这个季节可不容易得到哦。come into 进入, 继承,...起来,加(归)入;come across 来到, 偶遇;come round 来, 前来, 过访, 绕道而来, 苏醒, 转变, 改主意, 笼络;come by 从旁走过, 得到,取得,经过;

3.B 参考译文:她一回家就开始准备晚饭。set out 出发, 开始, 装饰, 陈列, 测定, 宣布, 移植, 陈述;set about 开始, 散布,攻击,着手;set forth 阐明, 宣布, 提出, 陈列, 出发, 把(会议等)提前,动身;set aside 留出, 不顾, 取消, 驳回;

4.D 参考译文:这份合同下个月月底到期。run over 碾过;run across 撞见,碰见;run down 说……坏话,贬低,减少,缩减;run out 用完,耗尽;

5.D 参考译文:她坚持慢跑已经20年了。insist on 坚持, 坚决要求;consist in 存在于;constitute 组成, 任命;persist in 坚持到底,含有持续时间已超过正常指定的时间, 固执于;

